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How to remove light scuffs, scratches and marks without damaging car paint

Light damage to your paintwork doesn’t always require a trip to the bodyshop, or even a DIY repair with car touch up paint

Your best solution might be to buff it out with a good quality scratch and scuff remover.

What is scratch and scuff remover?

It’s a polishing compound that can remove light scratches, scuffs and sanding marks from your car’s paintwork. 

PaintNuts Professional Scratch & Scuff Remover is a high quality polishing compound that uses the latest technology. It’s been specially developed to permanently remove light scratches, scuffs and sanding marks. 

Our scratch and scuff remover is safe to use on all paintwork, including metallics and pearlecents. It’s easy to use and the results will be visible within 60 seconds.

It can also be used in conjunction with PaintNuts colour matched touch up paint pens, bottles and aerosols as a final finish - it helps to blend in the repaired paintwork and diminsh any defects so you can achieve a more professional result yourself.

When to use scratch and scuff remover

PaintNuts Professional Scratch & Scuff Remover is specially developed for permanently removing light scratches and scuffs. 

You can use it if:

  • Damage is light and on the surface
  • The lacquer looks marked but the paint is intact
  • There is no white base layer showing through the damage
  • There’s no rust near the mark
  • The paint isn’t bubbling or flaking
  • Your vehicle is a modern or classic model
  • You’ve recently applied touch up paint and you want to blend in the fix

Step-by-step: how to use scratch and scuff remover

1. Prepare your vehicle

  • Wash the exterior of your car and rinse thoroughly.
  • Use a clean chamois to dry the surface so you can clearly see the marks or scuffs you need to eliminate.

2.  Apply the polishing compound

  • Apply a small amount of the PaintNuts compound to an applicator pad.
  • With even pressure, apply to the car in a straight back and forth motion - left to right, then up and down - until the scratch or scuff has been removed or reduced.

3. Remove & Buff

  • Buff the area with our PaintNuts Microfibre Polishing Cloth to remove the compound residue.

Got questions?

Can I use PaintNuts Professional Scratch & Scuff Remover on a classic car?

Yes, it’s good on any car. With older cars, it can help to restore the original hue and shine, as well as blend in any paint repairs you’ve made with touch up paint.

Will it blend in touch up paint?

Yes, it was developed especially for this purpose but it also blends in minor damage that doesn’t need touch up paint. 

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